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Some times when the passenger wants to carry his pet, he first has to see whether the concerned airlines allows animal transportation or not, depending on this, there can be three types of airlines: - * those airlines which do not have animal transportation neither in the cargo nor in the cabin. * those airlines, which transport animals only in cargo and not in cabin. * those airlines which allows animals transportation in cargo and cabin. The charges for animal transportation vary from airlines to airlines. Airlines may charge for the animal based on either the weight of cage and animal or may charge on the volume occupied by the cage. The animal has to go proper medical check up and also has to be caged as per the specifications of the airlines. The charges for animal transportation are taken by the airline with the issuance of a document called Miscellaneous Charges Order (MCO). The reservation codes used for animal transportation are: - * AVIH – animal in hold (cargo) * PETC – pet in cabin